Parent-EMBRACE: An Embodied ITS for Improving Comprehension during Parent-Child Shared Reading

Parent-EMBRACE is an interactive reading comprehension intervention that uses embodied cognition, intelligent tutoring, and research into bilingual education to support young Latino readers in preschool and elementary school. In a previous project called EMBRACE, readers were tasked with interacting with an intelligent e-book by app in response to the text, are given tips based on an intelligent tutoring system, and are given challenging but appropriate texts based on their reading level. This project builds onto this system by including new features that support a parent and child reading together by presenting parents with example questions they can ask their children, and enabling reading and question-asking in Spanish and English. Our ultimate goal is to foster interaction between parents and children surrounding expository and narrative texts that can improve the child's reading comprehension.

This NSF funded project is a collaboration with Dr. Arthur Glenberg and Dr. Chris Blais at Arizona State University, and Dr. Adelaida Restrepo at the University of Florida. Within the lab, Jordan Barria-Pineda works on the project.

graphic illustration for Parent Embrace


Lekshmi Narayanan, A.B. et al. (2021). Parent-EMBRACE: An Adaptive Dialogic Reading Intervention. In: Roll, I., McNamara, D., Sosnovsky, S., Luckin, R., Dimitrova, V. (eds) Artificial Intelligence in Education. AIED 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 12749. Springer, Cham.

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